We value positive relationships with parents and carers to help develop better social and emotional skills in children. We know that when children are engaged with their learning, they attend school more regularly, leading to better long term outcomes.
For parenting and counselling services, visit the Family Support page, and for direction and clarity on regulations, processes and procedures at our school, read the Sydney Catholic School policies.
PSC Linked
Parental involvement is highly encouraged and supported through our PSC Linked- (Parents, School and Community Linked). Each grade has between two and three grade representatives who will assist in organising the social and fundraising events for the school. Each grade is responsible for one event per year. Events include: Mother’s Day Stall, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Breakfasts, Discos, Family Movie Nights, Family Bingo Nights, Trivia Nights, Dinner Dance, as well as events to support various charities.
Parent Advisory Council
A Parent Advisory Council exists to support the principal in developing all facets of the school. The council consists of a representative group of parents who have been invited by the principal and have a strong connection with both the school and the parish. The council acts as a forum that builds, strengthens and nourishes the school community as part of the wider parish community. It meets once a term and looks at strategic planning for the school and the parish community. Members of the council are usually assigned to a two year tenure.
Parental Involvement
The education process is a partnership between home and school. Parents at St Joseph’s are encouraged to be involved in the life of the school through the PSC Linked and as parent helpers. Parent helpers assist in the classroom, the canteen, library, working bees, excursions, carnivals, etc. In order to be a parent helper, every parent must attend a Child Safe Schools Volunteer Workshop and Work Health and Safety workshop annually. These workshops are held at the commencement of the school year.
Parent Forums on various educational matters are held throughout the year.
Parent/Teacher Communication
Close communication between the parents and class teacher is vital in the development of your child, and is strongly encouraged by the staff of St Joseph’s.
The school uploads a grade curriculum note each term which highlights the key learning for that term. Grades also communicate through their class sites, emails and the school’s Facebook page to keep parents informed and up to date with the latest events in the classroom.
At the commencement of each year, parents are invited to attend either a ‘Welcome’ gathering or a ‘Meet and Greet’ interview where they can meet their child’s teacher and have the opportunity to discuss relevant information pertaining to their child’s learning.
Formal written reports and interviews take place in Term two and Term four. Parents and teachers may request an interview at any other time should the need arise. Teachers are available to meet with parents by appointment outside of class time. Should you have any concerns or wish to discuss your child’s progress, simply contact the school or email the teacher to arrange a mutually convenient time.
St Joseph’s is a nut minimisation school which means that products containing nuts are not to be brought to school at any time. We are unable to monitor all products which have nuts in them, but peanut butter and Nutella present a particular problem due to their sticky nature and the likelihood that they can remain on the skin for a long period of time. Unknowingly, contact could be made with an anaphylactic child and the situation could rapidly become life threatening. Therefore, parents are asked to be vigilant as to the foods they do send to school.